Why this manual?

Placenta specialists everywhere, no matter the training or experience, are often in need of a manual that efficiently outlines the 'standard operating procedure' AKA the steps it takes to provide quality service.

Use this for your own practice, as a resource for your backup specialist or a guide if you are learning or re-learning how to offer placenta services.

This manual includes SOP for...

  1. Transportation & Storage
  2. Sanitization Procedures
  3. Cleaning & Preparing
  4. Encapsulation
  5. Cord Keepsake
  6. Placenta Print
  7. Tincture
  8. Salve
  9. Chocolates
  10. Dosage
  11. Variations of Normal
  12. Presentation & Delivery
Excellent Detail

This manual ensures that even the before and after steps are included, along with tips, tricks and standard guidance.

Gold Standards

All your typical placenta processes are outlined here, including encapsulation, cord keepsakes, placenta prints & more.

Creative Guide

Incorporating some pictures and inspiration, this manual adds little visual touches to help you feel more in-tune with your creative side.

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